SOMESING(SSX) releases its roadmap for 2023 and 2024

2 min readFeb 20, 2023


SOMESING, a blockchain-based social ‘Singing Content Platform’, is pleased to release our business roadmap as below for the years 2023 and 2024.

In 2023, SOMESING team will be focusing on the development of an ‘NFT’ minting system so that we can expand our ecosystem into a more Web3 environment where all our users have ownership of their contents created within the platform. The final goal of SOMESING in 2024 is to build a ‘Singverse’ where everyone can be connected via music. Please refer to the below for more details. Please refer to the below for more details.

Q1 2023 (Jan-Mar)

Live Watch Onboarding

Development of NFT Minting within the App

Q2 2023 (Apr-Jun)

Launching NFT Minting within the app

UI/UX Improvement

Q3 2023 (Jul-Sep)

Development of NFT-based Ranking Service

Development of Royalty Program of the Ecosystem

Q4 2023 (Oct-Dec)

Launching NFT-based Ranking Service

Launching Royalty Program of the Ecosystem

Q1 2024 (Jan-Mar)

Introduction of AI-based Content Curation Solution

Preparing for Marketplace Link for User’s NFT

Q2 2024 (Apr-Jun)

Launching AI-based Content Curation Solution

Launching Marketplace Link for User’s NFT

Q3 2024 (Jul-Sep)

Introduction of AI-based Content Translation and Localization Solutions

Preparing to Build Up Singverse 1.0

Q4 2024 (Oct-Dec)

Launching AI-based Content Translation and Localization Solutions

Launching Singverse 1.0

SOMESING looks forward to your ongoing support and interest in the project and we will keep all our community members updated in a timely manner every time we have updates.

Thank you!


