2 min readFeb 26, 2019


Have you ever wondered how music is connected to human beings? Right from the first time aa mother sings a lullaby for her baby, the sound is imprinted on the psyche of the baby. Then, after some time the baby relates the pleasant sound with warmth, safety and love.


Also, when a mother sings for her infant, her brain releases oxytocin which is also referred to as ‘love hormone’. This hormone strengthens the bond between a mother and her child. Other examples include when people or groups are bonded with song, chants or music. Every college has an alma mater, a song that is always sung during sport events, and other ceremonies. Even when people sing hymns and chants in religious places, they report it makes them feel closer to each other and also resolves to them practicing he believe of their faith.

In some cases, couples connect because they have same taste of music. The kind of music a person listens to shows what kind of music his family would have listened to and the kind of music they are naturally drawn to.

There is also a vibro-acoustic aspect of music in which people stand together and sing a song or chant that is meaningful to them and this creates a vibration field in that moment which resembles a delicate web connected to their energy fields. When you participate in a group song or chant or even cheer in a sporting event, you will always feel energized and changed at a new level because this is very powerful. This is the reason that players in a match are being cheered by their team and cheerleaders. Also, in normal school life kids in kindergarten sing good morning songs, this is a way to calm, center and focus their energy.


As we can see from the above real life examples, it is obvious that there is a certain bond between human beings and music. SOMESING being a social music service company is determined to bring music closer to everyone at any time in every place. With our global services, users will be able to share songs with their family and friends, and connect with one another through listening to the same song at the same time. The good thing is that distance is not a barrier because SOMESING’s services are global.



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