[Guide] SSX->SSG token swap guide via SOMESING’s homepage

2 min readApr 1, 2024


Dear SOMESING community members,

You can swap your SSX token to SSG on the SOMESING website starting

from April 1st. If you hold SSX in your personal token wallet, please check the manual below and proceed with the swap.

🗓️ Swap period

12 months from the swap page opening date (i.e 01 Apr 2024)

* Customer Support will be available for 24 months from the swap page opening date

1️⃣ Select the ‘Swap SSX’ button at the top of the homepage (https://www.somesing.io)

2️⃣Enter your SSX wallet address and select the ‘Swap into SSG’ button.

3️⃣Confirm the wallet address and select the ‘OK’ button.

4️⃣ Once the token swap has been completed, you can check the swap result from the URL link provided.

  • Please ensure accurate input and confirmation of the correct wallet address on your own responsibility. SOMESING is not responsible for any issues arising from incorrect address input.
  • For inquiries regarding the SSG swap, please contact tokenswap@somesing.io

Thank you,




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